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Experience NOTES:

2022-2023: Pop Paper City

ROLE: 3D Animator

NOTES: Working as an animator on Pop Paper City was my first gig where I was given the opportunity to work in a studio-based environment and getting first-hand experience seeing how a production on a preschool TV series operates. I was brought into the production a week after the show premiered its first episode on Channel 5's Milkshake Saturday and Sunday morning slots and had to learn the fundamentals of using Maxon Cinema 4D in less than a week before I was put on an episode and completing a multitude of shots within a three, sometimes two, week turnaround while grasping the production's custom pipeline. Regardless of having to catch up and easing my way into the flow of the production I had learned so much within the first three weeks of my time there; such as not relying on video reference when blocking out animation due to the hefty number of shots and the little time we were given, collaborating with my team, and befriending and staying in touch with other departments who've shared similar interests; a couple of them I've begun a collaboration with after my time working on the show had expired. There are discussions of a second series potentially happening sometime later in the year or a feature-length film in conversation, but no concrete information or anything official confirming it at this time.

2023: Threaded Together

Role: 3D Animator

NOTES: I contributed my services as an animator to what was our end of year short thesis project during my time as a student at Escape Studios. We were also encouraged to integrate Unreal Engine into our custom pipeline based on the current state of the animation sector at the time, as well as the creative industry as a whole in how big blockbuster productions being made going forward are concerned. This proved to be a challenge for our director and our producer since this was last minute and a new tool to us to apply to our process in our final year as opposed to not being given the time to be familiar of the fundamentals prior. Fortunately, we had three leads in the project who prepped and completed a lot of the pre-production in advance before pitching the idea, and even went out of their own way in grasping Unreal Engine before applying it to our pipeline so the production can run as smoothly as possible.

2021: The Beauty of Nature

ROLE(S): 3D Animator, Director of Photography/3D Layout, Storyboard Artist, Colourist, Voice Actor.

NOTES: I contributed to a 6-week student project during my second year as an animation student at Escape Studios on a short animated mockumentary as an animator, as well as filling in other positions such as director of photography/3D layout artist, storyboard artist, colourist, and voice acting as a David Attenborough-esque narrator.


ROLE(S): 3D Animator, Director of Photography/3D Layout, Storyboard Artist.

NOTES: I was an animator, director of photography, and storyboard artist on our first of two 6-week student projects, applying skills that I've had knowledge an experience prior my time as an animation student at Escape Studios and the current level I was at as an animator during my time there, and learning to collaborate for the first time on an animation-based project.

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